独家爆料 Human Resources Hiring
独家爆料 Human Resources maintains the processing and tracking of information pertinent to full-time, One Year Only (OYO), and One Semester Only (OSO) positions in all employee groups (i.e.: MAT, PSA, M&O, Crafts, and College Safety).
Adjunct Faculty
To hire Adjunct Faculty, please review the Adjunct Hiring Process. Following this process will facilitate the onboarding experience.
Additional information on Adjunct Faculty hiring can be found on the District's web page.
Adjunct Faculty Personnel Files
Please note, the following is required for an adjunct file to be considered complete:
- Resume
- Official Transcripts/Letters of Work Experience
- Minimum Qualification Form (for each approved teaching discipline)
- Completion of EDU 250
Federal Work-Study
Federal Work Study Supervisors interested in hiring a Federal Work Study (FWS) student, please see below:
Follow the Financial Aid FWS Job hire process.
PLEASE NOTE: Questions regarding FWS job hire documents can be sent to HR@phoenixcollege.edu
Temporary Employment
For more information on hiring a part-time temporary employee, please view the *
*Please note, you will be asked to login in with your MEID and Password in order to access this information